You Say You Want a Revolution: New Moon in Scorpio Opposing Uranus in Taurus

Continuing the Scorpio themes from last week, this week’s transits are Scorpio heavy, starting off with a new moon in Scorpio and ending with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio.

The darkness of the new moon represents that which is hidden, concealed, not yet realized or manifested. Because of this, the new moon has always been a time for inner reflection, clarifying desires, purifying by releasing what no longer serves, and setting new intentions for something to grow. 

Because this new moon is in Scorpio, the sign of hidden, shadowy things, Sunday offers us a kind of double shot of darkness. Darkness is an interesting thing. It’s where we go to rest, and indeed, the new moon is associated with periods of rest and dormancy. But it’s also where we go to hide when we don’t want the truth to be seen, when we’re up to no good, and where we go to confront our demons and deepest fears. Scorpio, being ruled by Mars, is not a restful kind of darkness. Scorpio is always up to something. 

This new moon arrives in a perfect opposition to Uranus in Taurus. Over the next six years, Uranus is bringing upheaval and change to the pleasure-oriented, stability-loving earth sign of Taurus. Uranus likes to make big shifts and is associated with revolutions. When Uranus first ingressed into Taurus in May of 2018, we saw it manifested in a very literal way as volcanoes erupted in Hawaii. 

On the political stage, the past year and a half has brought an increasing awareness of the ways our consumption-oriented, pleasure-loving western lifestyle is literally destroying the earth. As Trump doubles down on oil extraction and Bolsanaro rips up the rainforest in Brazil, they exemplify the shadow side of Uranus in Taurus… a literal upheaval in the earth, bulldozers and drills pulling up all that is beautiful, bountiful, and nourishing, that which sustains our life and breath and well-being, and laying it to waste.

But movements like Fridays for the Future, Extinction Rebellion, and Sunrise have brought climate change into the headlines on a daily basis through disruptive, transgressive protest tactics, forcing us to examine the things we cling to for pleasure and stability, like our endless consumption of cheap, disposable goods and fossil fuels. Uranus in Taurus may not be pretty, but it brings the potential for true, lasting progress and change, if we learn how to harness its energy.

There are a lot of things we grow up believing will keep us safe and happy- money, beauty, acclaim- that are no substitute for the security that comes from tapping into the Divine Truth within. Materiality- food, water, shelter, sensual and embodied pleasure- are important. We need to value those things. But when we value material comfort and security at the expense of our own souls, the universe will find a way to shake the ground under our feet so we can learn to ride the rolling seismic waves. That’s the power of Uranus in Taurus. Uranus doesn’t want us to stay stuck- it wants us to leap forward, and will do whatever it takes to make that happen.

If you’re working in a career that pays you well but drains you of energy and purpose, Uranus in Taurus might get you fired. If you’re in a relationship with someone who is attractive and successful and seems perfect “on paper,” but can’t hold and nourish the full complexity of who you are, Uranus in Taurus will find a way to break you up.

On the other hand, ascetic types who tend to deny their materiality may find Uranus in Taurus comes to hold them to account for rejecting their embodied needs. Being in a body is painful, traumatic, and difficult, and it’s easy to want to escape into the transcendent spiritual realms. But as spirits, we have chosen to incarnate in the material world, and that incarnation serves a purpose. We have a responsibility to work through what is painful, embrace the joy and pleasure of being human, and make our spiritual ideals of love, harmony, and oneness real by embodying them here on earth. This requires us to work with, and not against, our embodiment.

If you’re one of these people, Uranus in Taurus might look like a scandalous lust that forces you to own your neglected desire. It might look like an illness that forces you to acknowledge that you haven’t been caring for your body. These are your opportunities to make a revolutionary leap forward.

The New Moon in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus is stirring up all kinds of shit. Saturday’s square between Mars and Saturn that I talked about last week is still in effect on Sunday, and may amp up the already considerable pressure of this new moon. But the good thing is that this is an opportunity for a big release, a letting go of psychic, spiritual, and emotional gunk that’s weighing us down. Keeping your body still despite the turmoil within and taking time to reflect and ask yourself what wants to be purged can help you get the most out of this time.

On Wednesday evening, Oct 30th, Venus and Mercury conjunct in Scorpio, right before Mercury goes retrograde on Halloween. It’s almost as if Venus is kissing, blessing Mercury before sending him back to retrace his steps, while she moves on to Sagittarius on Nov 1st. It’s a great time to send an important letter, email, or other form of communication before Mercury changes course.

When Mercury, planet of learning, communication, business, and other forms of energy exchange goes retrograde, it tends to throw a wrench in the daily working of our modern lives that are so dependent on the smooth flow of information. Mercury is moving backwards through the sign of Scorpio over the next three weeks, asking us to slow down and think before we speak (or send that text). When things go wrong- your phone can’t get a signal, or your computer crashes, or you get your signals crossed with someone you care about, it’s a great time to ask yourself if there’s something to be learned. The more you can laugh and go with the flow- or lack thereof- during Mercury retrograde, the better. At the very least, it’s an opportunity to learn patience, persistence, and equanimity. 

Venus moves out of her detriment in Scorpio and into the more freedom-loving, expansive territory of Sagittarius on Friday. Venus in Sagittarius is like a woman who just got out of an obsessive, jealous relationship who decides to take a long road trip to find adventure and freedom. She wants to learn and grow, meet new people and experience new things. The part of your chart that contains Sagittarius should experience some harmony and optimism as Venus moves through.

Here are some questions to help you reflect on the transits this week:

Sunday, October 27: New Moon in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus:

  • How are my foundations being rocked right now? 

  • What is it illuminating for me? 

  • Is there something that keeps me feeling secure and comfortable that’s no longer working? 

  • Are there attachments and old beliefs I need to let go of?

Spend some time journaling on these questions. If you’d like, you can ritualize this by lighting a candle and making a list of all the things you want to release. Light the paper on fire (in a fire-safe bowl), and take the ashes and spread them around a tree or plant that is special to you, to nourish your intention to grow something new.

Wednesday, October 30: Venus conjunct Mercury in Scorpio:

  • What have I been wanting to say that has been left unsaid? 

  • Who have I been wanting to reach out to? 

Whether this conversation is potentially difficult or not, find a way to cultivate as much love and compassion as you can and make the connection.

Thursday, Oct 31-Nov 20: Mercury turns retrograde in Scorpio

  • How and when do I tend to speak before thinking? 

  • Can I learn to hold my tongue and spend some time reflecting on myself and the situation before speaking or jumping to conclusions? 

  • What happens when I do this? 

  • When signals get crossed and miscommunications occur, can I cultivate some humor and trust that all these annoyances, by forcing me to slow down and reflect, are teaching me to connect and communicate more meaningfully?

Keep asking yourself these questions over the next three weeks.

Friday, Nov 1- Nov 26: Venus in Sagittarius

  • How have I felt stuck or weighed down when it comes to my relationships over the past several weeks?

  • Can I find a sense of opening and freedom? 

  • Can I trust that opportunities to find love, beauty, and harmony in old and new relationships are presenting themselves to me?

Look for these opportunities over the next 3 ½ weeks.

If you need an energetic cleanout, my psychic readings and healings are perfect. If you’d like more insight into your natal chart, I offer astrology readings You can learn more here.


Dragging Our Feet On The Way To Liberation: Mars in Libra Squares Pluto in Capricorn


Scorpio Season: Into Darkness