Scorpio Season: Into Darkness

On Wednesday, Oct 23, the Sun enters Scorpio, the sign associated with all things dark and hidden. It’s no coincidence that this happens every year right before Halloween, All Hallows, Samhain. The ancients derived the symbolism of the signs from that of the seasons. As we move toward the winter solstice, the darkest point of the year, and the earth begins to grow cold, causing plants to die off and animals to hibernate, their attention naturally turned toward death and the underworld.

Scorpio is a sign known for emotional intensity, particularly when those emotions are the ones most of us would rather not feel. While the rest of us pretend not to be jealous, angry, and vindictive, Scorpio just laughs and asks us why we’re so wrapped up in the latest Netflix soap. Scorpio knows we all live for drama and would prefer to be honest about it. Ruled by blunt, aggressive Mars, Scorpio likes to get to the point.

Scorpio is fascinated by the things we try to hide, whether it’s dark emotions, occult knowledge, or secret machinations. Is it any wonder that we celebrate the thing we most try to hide and hide from, Death itself, during Scorpio season? 

Scorpio can, no doubt, get lost in the underworld muck, becoming fascinated with intensity, drama, and mystery to the point of addiction and annihilation. But Scorpio, a fertile water sign, reminds us that all the dark, nasty stuff we bury underground composts and becomes rich soil for something new to grow. What looks like a tomb may in fact be a womb.

A few days before the Sun changes signs, on October 21 and 22, Venus, who has been in Scorpio since October 8th, makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces. Venus is never happy in Scorpio, as this love, beauty, and harmony-oriented planet is forced to deal with the not so-pretty aspects of life and relationships. Venus in Scorpio is like a lover who reaches the point in her relationship when she realizes her beloved has stinky farts, or terrible rage issues- or worse, that she has those problems. Venus in Scorpio can also be associated with dark or obsessive and possessive love. Making a trine to the dreamy, imaginative Neptune in Pisces can temporarily lift her spirits and pull her out of the mud, as this is a time of heightened sensitivity and vision, and she may begin to see a way out of the Scorpio swamp. 

On the 26th, Mars, who has been sitting frustrated in Venus’ home sign of Libra, makes a square to Saturn in Capricorn. In Libra the bold, aggressive Mars is forced to slow down and weigh the pros and cons of his actions. Libra is all about balance and harmony, which Mars couldn’t care less about. Mars in Libra is like a bully who’s been sent to detention to sit and think about what he’s done. Saturn in Capricorn is like a stern old teacher who wants these damn kids to sit down, do their work, and learn. When Mars squares Saturn, he’s like a troublemaker testing the teacher’s limits. Mars may have some good ammunition— spitballs, jokes, sick burns— but Saturn in Capricorn is in the position of power and will have the last word. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself as we move through the transits this week:

Monday (21st) and Tuesday (22nd) Venus trine Neptune:

How have I been frustrated in finding beauty, harmony, and love in my life? In my friendships and relationships? Is this something I need to learn to accept? Or something I need to change? Can I receive a new vision for what is possible in these areas of my life?

Wednesday (23rd) Sun moves into Scorpio: 

How do I relate to my own dark, intense emotions? Do I like to bury and hide them? If so, can I learn to trust and accept that they exist for a purpose? What do I think that purpose might be?

If I tend to wallow in my darker emotions or unload them onto others with my bluntness and aggression, how’s that working for me? How can I honor and respect them without getting stuck or hurting others?

Saturday (26th) Mars square Saturn: 

Where am I feeling aggression or tension right now? Am I the aggressor? If so, can I step back and take some time to consider whether my actions are really the best way to get what I need and want? If someone’s causing trouble for me, can I hold steady, focus on my tasks at hand, and trust that this irritation will pass?


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