Spiritual Direction and Coaching


This is the deepest and most stabilizing work I offer. Rather than relying on me to give you answers or insight, we are working together to help you listen to your own God-given guidance.

I have a unique style that differs from standard spiritual direction. Using a blend of my spiritual director training, psychic healing training, and years of experience as a nurse, I provide a supportive, listening presence to help you dig deep into your subconscious, shift old patterns, awaken to your own embodied intuition.

I was a movement organizer for 15 years. I loved the work I was doing but it was also so stressful that my body was rebelling against me causing a multitude of physical and mental health problems. I had tied my identity so closely to being an organizer that I had a hard time leaving the work. Working with Rebekah helped me realize that my worth didn’t have to be tied to how much I sacrificed for the movement and that there could be a life outside of that work. She also helped me see that I could still do work that was making a difference in the world and that I am passionate about.
— Judy Esber
I was initially drawn to work with Rebekah based on my perception that she has done her own work to forge an authentic life path, and would therefore be capable of helping others do the same. True to this first impression, I have found that working with Rebekah is life-changing. She deftly gets to the heart of the issue I am dealing with, including where I am stuck and how to do the work to get things flowing again. She is deeply intuitive, highly skilled and easy to work with. I am so glad, and even relieved, that I found her!
— Darby Christopher, MSW

Standard charge is $250/session, but I do keep sliding scale spots available. If you are interested in working with me, please reach out and let me know how I can help you:


Astrology Reading


We all have a unique destiny and purpose. It’s not a determined fate, but an unfolding possibility. The dance of the planets in the sky above represent unique qualities and energies that are reflected inside of you. In a natal chart reading, I help you unlock the divine purpose and potential that was written in the sky at the moment you were born. 

My method is rooted in ancient Hellenistic (Greek) astrology, with a modern orientation.

Rebekah has read my natal chart twice; both times I asked her to do a reading because I sensed that I was in a period of transition and hoped to learn more about it. I went in knowing very little about astrology, and I thought she would be a trustworthy guide on my first foray into astrology. In our conversations, I found her to be both deeply spiritual and deeply grounded. She approaches the reading as a healing practice, allowing the chart to guide some of the conversation alongside her intuition. She asks questions and digs when she senses something is misaligned. And she exudes a sense of love and nurture that makes even hard news welcome.

I benefited greatly from both readings. Going in, I think I secretly hoped that I would find some kind of profound answer or certainty. I didn’t. Rather, I felt like I could lean into the mystery and wonder of the universe and that in doing so, I would find myself swept up in abundant love. Knowing that I’m deeply loved, knowing that I can trust my desire and intuition as a guide, and knowing that I can lean into a power greater than myself is deeply comforting and stabilizing. As a result of this knowing, I find myself changing my life in many small ways. It’s freed me up to start projects that I’d been putting off, engage in difficult conversations with care and honest, and trust that all will be well in the face of constant change. She helped me tell myself the truth and have the courage to act on it.
— Elizabeth Hirschl

Cost is $250 for a natal (birth) chart reading for new clients, or a year ahead reading for returning clients. Readings are 60 minutes via Zoom, and include a recording and copy of your birth chart.

If you’d like to book a reading, please fill out the form below. If you’d like to gift a reading to somebody else, please email me.