Keep the Fire Burning: Full Moon Conjunct Vesta in Taurus

This Scorpio season has been intense, starting off with a new moon opposing Uranus, and coinciding with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio. This has given us opportunities to do our shadow work, taking a deeper look at what lies beneath the surface of our own psyche as well as the relationships, systems, and structures we find ourselves embedded in. This week we begin to see a payoff.

On Monday Mercury is cazimi, a word derived from Arabic meaning “in the heart of.” Astrologers say a planet is cazimi when it is “in the heart of the Sun,” i.e., in close conjunction. When a planet is cazimi it is strengthened, vivified by the light and fire of the Sun. 

This Mercury retrograde has been slowing us down, forcing us to take a deeper look at why we say and do the things we say and do. On Monday we have an opportunity to speak our truth powerfully using the insight we’ve gleaned. This is a good day to sit down and have that heart to heart, to send the letter you’ve been holding onto, or to write your manifesto.

On Monday night the moon will appear full, culminating on Tuesday morning in the sign of Taurus at 8:33 am EDT. The moon is conjunct the asteroid Vesta, the virgin goddess and keeper of the sacred fire.

In ancient times, each home had a fire in the center of the house that not only was used for cooking and heat, but that symbolized the essential life force that kept the household happy, healthy, and functioning. At the center of town was another sacred fire that represented the unique essence and energy of the city itself and the people who lived there. The Vestal virgins, women dedicated to the goddess, were charged with tending that fire, ensuring it never went out.

We all have a sacred flame within us, a unique spark of divine essence that sustains and illuminates our soul’s purpose. Throughout our lives we will encounter people, environments, oppressive systems, and other influences that will seek to smother and otherwise extinguish the sacred flame. We will also find friends, mentors, communities, and practices that will fan and fuel our inner fire. The difference between the two sides is not always apparent at first glance. Vesta’s task is to discern the difference.

While purity cultures get hung up on a literal meaning of virginity and the supposed defilement of sexuality, the deeper, symbolic meaning of a virgin is one who remains wholly herself, allowing the holy flame to burn bright and uncorrupted by outside influence. Sometimes we may have to withdraw from the world in order to reconnect to that flame and get a better sense of what is serving us well and what is holding us back. For that reason, Vesta has often been seen as representative of a kind of monastic or ascetic archetype. 

The purpose of withdrawing from the world, however, is never to lose ourselves in solipsistic isolation. We go to feed our fire so we can return, offering warmth and illumination to our loved ones, communities, and the world at large.

As the moon is illuminated in Taurus, the earthy, fertile, life-loving sign ruled by the love goddess Venus, Vesta reminds us that we each have a unique purpose and gift to offer the world, to make it a more beautiful, pleasurable, and loving home for all beings.The more we do the Sun in Scorpio work of plumbing our inner depths and integrating our shadow, along with the Vestal work of protecting and fueling our inner genius, the more we are able to manifest beauty and abundance and offer it as a gift to others. 

On Wednesday, Mercury makes a trine with Neptune in Pisces, bringing an infusion of inspiration into this retrograde period. You may find yourself experiencing intense dreams and visions or having sudden epiphanies, particularly as it relates to past patterns, events, and behaviors..

On Thursday Venus in Sagittarius makes a more tense square with Neptune. Venus may find that her manic pixie dreams for unending JOY! LOVE! ABUNDANCE! dissolve a bit as she has to sort out true higher vision from fantasy and illusion.  

Here are some questions to reflect on as you move through the transits this week:

Monday, November 11: Mercury Cazimi (conjunct the Sun

  • What have I been diving deeper into over the past few weeks? What truths have I learned?

  • What truths need to be communicated? Is there a bold truth I need to speak or a difficult conversation I need to have? What is the best way to do that?

Tuesday, November 12: Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Vesta

  • What is the deepest, most essential parts of me that I need to honor and protect?

  • What gifts am I developing within myself? What nourishes those gifts?

  • How can I offer my gifts to others? How can I use them to co-create a better world for all of us?

Wednesday, November 13: Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces (both retrograde)

  • Can I look for those “aha” moments of insight today? Pay attention to my dreams? Listen to my intuition?

Thursday, November 14: Venus in Sagittarius trine Neptune in Pisces

  • What beautiful things have I been excited about creating and manifesting in my life these past few week? 

  • Where have I gotten ahead of myself? Where has my excitement outpaced my practical reality?

  • Can I find a way to feed my optimism while keeping my feet on the ground?


I’m offering two free readings this week in exchange for some feedback. Click the button below for more info.


I offer astrology, psychic readings and healings, and spiritual coaching in person at MINKA in Brroklyn, NY, or via Zoom


Sharpening Desire: Mars in Scorpio


Gratitude for Anxiety