Archangel Astrology

Our ancestors plotted their lives by the stars. They used them to navigate seasonal hunting and trading routes, to plan their agricultural seasons, and to keep track of the passing years. As they became intimately acquainted with the night sky, the stars and planets—like all aspects of our living, moving cosmos—communicated through symbol and synchronicity. Astrology is an ancient spiritual science born of long, patient, and careful attention to the natural world.

The ancient Greeks believed each planet had a ruling daimon, or spirit, which later medieval astrologers understood as archangels.

Using ancient Hellenistic (Greek) techniques, I look at your natal chart—a snapshot of the planets in the sky at the moment you were born—and connect you to the planetary archangels that oversee:

  • Your life’s purpose and direction

  • The intuitive path you follow to get there

  • The special gifts and talents you’ve been given

The planets represent cosmic, archetypal energies that exist inside of you. They all have a shadow side—the things that trip us up when we disown and ignore these pieces of ourselves—and an integrated side—the gifts that blossom when we learn to embrace them.

The angels help us to love and integrate all parts of ourselves.

Each Archangel Astrology reading is 90 minutes and includes:

  • A full reading of your natal (birth) chart

  • Key planetary angels that guide you

  • The significant planetary transits that are currently impacting you.

  • Channeled messages from the angels and any other guiding spirits that want to come through.

  • A quick look at your aura, with energy healing, if indicated.