Hello, my name is Rebekah. I’m a healer, psychic, astrologer, writer, and coach

I grew up in a conservative religious household. My parents used to quote scripture at me— “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” Little did they know…

I’ve had to lose my religion, find my own community of soul-friends and co-conspirators, and create my own spirituality.

After years of working in and seeking treatment from a mainstream healthcare system that addresses symptoms and not causes, I’ve had to navigate my own healing path through trauma, depression, anxiety, and autoimmune disease.

Through it all, I’ve learned to reconnect with the wisdom of my body and my spirit. I’ve learned to cultivate and trust my intuition. I’ve learned to transmute and channel the raw energy of my emotions. And most importantly,  I’ve learned to listen to and align with my deepest desires and purpose. 

I haven’t done it alone. I’ve had many teachers, mentors, and friends along the way who have helped me out.

Now I help rebels, heretics, misfits, and mavericks like you make magic.

How do I do it? By working with you to:

  • Tune into and trust your intuition through meditation and embodied exercises

  • De-program old ideologies and beliefs that are holding you back using energy healing and ritual

  • Gain perspective on life’s struggles and look for opportunities using astrology

  • Discern purpose and direction by tapping into desire

  • Cultivate your unique genius and magical superpowers through embracing the scariest, most shameful parts of yourself

  • Build meaningful relationships and community through authenticity and vulnerability

Fun facts about me:

  • Enneagram 7, Myers Briggs INFP, Leo Sun/ Libra Moon/ Gemini Rising

  • I’ve resisted calling myself a witch for a long time, in part because it’s become so trendy. But other people keep telling me I am one, so I’m trying to lean into it.

  • I was raised a charismatic evangelical Christian. My parents spoke in tongues and cast out demons. When I was three years old, I marched up to my mother and said, “I command you to read this book to me IN THE NAME OF JESUS!” She could hardly refuse under those circumstances. In retrospect, it was pretty good preparation for a magical life.

  • I’ve driven coast to coast—solo— a total of four times.

  • I once heard an inner voice tell me to hike up a mountain. I declined, seeing as I had no water, no sunscreen, and was wearing flip-flops. The voice kept insisting. “Oh, FINE,” I thought, rolling my eyes and stomping my feet as I proceeded  to ascend. I arrived at the top just in time to see a jogger take a dive, face plant, and skid down the trail, unconscious. I was able to assist him and call a rescue helicopter. I couldn’t really deny my intuition after that.

  • I once led a picket line (as a striking nurse) and got so into it I started growling and baring my teeth while shouting at hospital executives. 

  • I love walking in graveyards— it helps me to feel connected to all the generations that have lived before me. 

  • I have an almost exact (within 5 minutes) conjunction of Pluto and the Moon in my natal chart. Part of my life’s purpose is helping people walk through the underworld of death and rebirth


Education and Training

Nightlight Astrology School, 1 Year Natal Chart Certification Course, 2018; Advanced Workshops in Hellenistic Astrology, 2019

Healing Touch Program Levels 1, 2, and 3, 2018

Intuitive Mind Psychic Mastery International Program, 2017

StillpointArt of Spiritual Direction, 2014-2016

Marymount University, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2004